A Huge Scroll Floating in the Air 宙に浮く大きな巻物(の様なもの)

WAKAMURA Shota Personal Landscape

A Huge Scroll Floating in the Air


A huge scroll (or something similar) floating in the air. It is always open, never rolled up tight. So huge the scroll is, there are almost no limits to how much you can write in it. Because of its nature as a scroll, it is important to write down proper information rather than scribbling down notes, indicating that it is important for you to place yourself in a public position as much as possible. In other words, it is important for you to draw or write in forms visible to others, so that the information or ideas could be passed on to them. In this landscape, there is a large sun (or something similar) beyond the scroll, a supportive presence. There are also subtle particles of light floating around the scroll. You are an extremely clever person. You look good in khaki or green. It would make you feel good wearing dynamic primary colors during you off hours; For business occasions, more camouflaging colors would be good, such as cream color rather than pure white. 

“To communicate” is the major theme. How to communicate, or what kind of words to use, would come easy. It would also be good to have a fundamental study subject to work on in the future. The major theme is to put into words, verbalize, and communicate to others.

Scrolls have clear edges, weighing a certain amount. Things will go well if you would take care to create clear edges and follow through to completion.





